What are these ethereal tubes entering my vision? They contain ideology, desire, and reveal an ontology. Ethereal tubes wrapped around colorful identities— souls in a funnel.
A crazy-straw delivering a tropical fruit smoothie to the mouth of an executive on vacation.
On the ceiling of my apartment, reduced to their energetic forms, human souls were functioning as electrical circuits powering a diamond shaped black and white zig zagged ocean-portal.
What are these ethereal tubes entering my vision? They contain ideology, desire, and reveal an ontology. Ethereal tubes wrapped around colorful identities— souls in a funnel.
A crazy-straw delivering a tropical fruit smoothie to the mouth of an executive on vacation.
On the ceiling of my apartment, reduced to their energetic forms, human souls were functioning as electrical circuits powering a diamond shaped black and white zig zagged ocean-portal.

by Uma Fractal