Last Friday Night


I have to sneak it at night. My parents call it bad for me. I’m up at three in the morning and talking to them. Not content with normal conversation I confine myself to bedroom chats with very secret Internet cool kid strangers know so much much about music and everyone is so much older than me and I am just a young child FUCK.

K. Calm down. I’m funny right? Telling myself that while crying, haha. Whiny little mothefucker. Oh did you know did you know I have met him in real life yes. References are good. I’m funny. I’m funny. I’m funny.

I’m an I N T E R N E T C O O L K I D 自殺する . I live online. I know all the things I know it all I’ve seen it all. They tell me everything. I listen at night to their heartbeats coming through the monitor which I can’t turn down the brightness on for whatever reason. The brightness is apt though because they complete me. I can’t live without it. They understand me on a level the others can’t. (I’m funny.)

Classes are me waiting to go back home and get back online and see them and indulge in it. Everything in my life is part of it, water bottle I know what it means. Do you know what I mean though? No, you don’t and see that’s the joke. I can say things you’ll never understand because it's hidden it's all hidden from you.

I don’t get texted. Gives me more time. Would anyone care if I died tomorrow? Probably not.

Odd Future hoodie on fuck you fuck you you know what suck my fucking dick, motherfucking piece of shit I am fucking cool and fuck you for thinking I’m not.


5:16, 10/12/2019

R u coming tonight

9:16, 10/12/2019


9:39, 10/12/2019

Kk just lmk


I’ve mostly been listening to Swans and cLOUDDEAD, though I’ve been getting super into Radiohead lol.

“What are you doing here?”

Everything around me is empty. Everyone reminds me of The Things I’ve Seen Because of Them (Theme Song: I’ve Seen Footage by Death Grips) You still don’t understand me and that’s ok. I’m your friend. I think I’m gonna stop taking my Prozac soon. I think I’m gonna eat better healthier etc.

10:18, 1/6/2020


10:18, 1/6/2020

you wont fucking believe what just happened lmfao

10:24, 1/6/2020


It’s warm out now finally and things are getting better. I’m on my way down to get ice cream from the Baskin Robbins on Grand Central Parkway. My friend is with me - I have friends, I do have friends. We’re laughing and cracking jokes and gleefully unaware that this is the happiest time of our lives, and that the beauty of youth is fading more and more by the minute. I pause at the intersection and think about where high school has brought me. It’s the last day. It’s really over. It feels so monumental and yet it isn’t, is it? It’s all small and I’m just one person, one screen, one faceless empty vessel shouting into a network that will never hear me.

(Theme Song: Safe and Sound by Capital Cities)

They helped me when no one else did. They’re my family forever and ever. (ɔ◔‿◔)ɔ♥

i’ll never leave this screen


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i’m alone in my room again but i have them and always will

i always will

if i could see all my friends tonight

if i could see all my friends tonight

if i could see all my friends tonight

if i could see all my friends


by Dylan Smith